Day 06 of 30 Days of Yogic Journey — Yogic Sukshma & Sthula Vyayama Practice, Yogic Sthula Vyayama in Depth
- Prayer
- Yogic Sukshma & Sthula Vyayama Practice
- Names of Yogic Sukshma Vyayama
- Closing Prayer
- What’s Next?
As per our daily routine, we started today’s session by preparing ourselves for prayer by sitting in the “Sukhasana” pose and the “Gyan” mudra.

We chant “OM” 3 times, followed by prayers which are:
gururbrahmā gururviṣṇuḥ gururdevo maheśvaraḥ .
guruḥ sākṣāt parabrahma tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ ..
Yogic Sukshma & Sthula Vyayama Practice
I stand up in an alert position before starting Yogic Sukshma Vyayama practices
As a part of today’s yoga practice, we practiced 7 yogic sukshma vyayama and 2 yogic sthula vyayama which are mentioned in the previous articles.
Yogic Sthula Vyayama in Depth
There are a total of 5 yogic sthula vyayama which are:
Hrid Gati
“Hrid Gati” yogic sthula vyayama also known as yogic jogging or locomotive exercise.
How to Do It?
With the feet together and the body, bend the arms at the elbows as in “Bhuja Bandha Shakit Vikasaka”.
Feet while running must be thrown back from the knee so that it touches the buttocks. When the right leg is moving forward, the right arm must be thrust out or vice versa. Breathing in and out sharply and deeply through the nose will produce the hissing sound of an engine.
This is one of the most wonderful physical exercises which revitalize the entire body. The chest expands, and the muscles of the thigh and the calves are developed.
Sarvanga Pushti
“Sarvanga Pushti” yogic sthula vyayama is also known as whole body development exercise.
How to Do It?
With your feet as wide apart as possible, form fists with the thumbs tucked in. Then with one wrist upon the other, bend towards the ankle of the right leg.
Inhaling through the nose, raise the arms backward and forward describing a circle with the trunk, and bring them down towards the left ankle. Inhale when coming down and exhale while rising. This exercise is to be done very slowly.
The body becomes supple and strong, stiff backs are cured. Tuberculosis can derive great benefits from this exercise.
Rekha Gati
“Rekha Gati” yogic sthula vyayama also known as line walking.
How to Do It?
With the left foot on the surface, place your right foot in front of it so that the right heel touches the toes of the left foot.
Walk fifty steps ahead with the heel of one foot touching the toes of the other, taking care to see that the entire distance is covered in a straight line. The eyes must look front, not the feet.
This exercise increases the power of concentration and improves the balance of the body. Regular practice of this exercise makes it possible to walk on a thin rope.
“Sarvanga Pushti” yogic sthula vyayama also known as yogic jumping.
How to Do It?
With the feet together stand erect with clenched fists, thumb tucked in and arms bend at elbows as in “Bhuja Bandha Shakit Vikasaka”.
Inhaling deeply through the nose, your arms describe a full circle and return to their original position. When the arms are back, jump as high as you can and bend your knees so that the heels strike hard against the buttocks. Exhale, throwing out your arms in front of you, while your feet touch the surface.
All these 3 operations are a matter of a few seconds.
This exercise adds inches to the height, broadens the chest, and strengthens the thighs. The power of the mystic coil (Kundalini) is awakened.
Urdhva Gati
“Urdhva Gati” yogic sthula vyayama also known as move-up exercise.
How to Do It?
With one foot apart hold one arm bent at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees while the other is stretched straight upwards. The palms of both hands must remain open, facing outward with the fingers together.
Bend your left knee and stretch your right arm upward. Repeat the process with the right foot and left arm raised. Breathe in and out to synchronize with the movement of your limbs.
This exercise is good for the limbs and for blood circulation.
After intensive yogic practice, we perform the “Shavasana” yoga poses to relax our bodies and mind.
Closing Prayer
We end today’s session by chanting “OM”.
What’s Next?
In the next article, we will discuss more about the yogic diet (if possible, share poses as well).
Stay Healthy. Eat Healthy. Live Longer.